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Advisement is available to undergraduate students who have a declared major or minor in Business Administration, Criminal Justice Administration, and Public Administration. You may make an appointment to work with an advisor through the portal or log directly in through Please see document for tutorial on making an appointment: TSC TutoriaL [PDF].
Advisors will be in touch to meet with you via email, phone, Zoom, or in-person. If you choose a Zoom appointment, you will receive an individualized Zoom link via your Toromail email prior to the meeting.
Stephanie Gonsalves
Daryl Evans
Graduation Specialist
Salvador Valdez
Graduation Specialist
Ineki Osunde
Retention Specialist
Tanya Cook
CBAPP Internship Advisor
Anthony Acosta
Academic Advisor
Edith Estrada
Academic Advisor
Michelle Alfaro
Academic Advisor
Jesus Rosas
Academic Advisor
Lucia Monzon
Academic Advisor
Kristy King
Academic Advisor
Kendra Dixon
Administrative Support Coordinator II
Office: II 1100 & II 3400
Phone: (310) 243-3561
Please have your Academic Requirements Report ready when you meet with your advisor. How to Access your Academic Requirements Report:
Zoom is web conferencing software available to CSUDH faculty, staff, and students. Zoom is used for creating online office hours, as well as, collaborative meetings and study sessions. It is available for macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android.
Visit the CSUDH Academic Technology web page for information on downloading, setting up and using Zoom. View a quick tutorial on "Join a Meeting" in Zoom.
Students are urged to meet with an Advisor each semester before registration to ensure concentration and graduation requirements are met. Students may contact the CBAPP Undergraduate Advisement Center or their Advisor with general questions. During advising, students will receive detailed information regarding their major and graduation requirements, transfer of credit, and special circumstances and conditions.
Students who need help with forms, adding/dropping, submitting petitions, or other student services should visit the CBAPP Student Support & Services webpage.
Newly admitted transfer students are required to attend New Student Orientation (NSO) prior to scheduling an individual appointment with an Advisor or enrolling in classes. If you have any additional questions please contact the CBAPP Student Success Center. Students wishing to receive credit for courses taken at other institutions must receive approval from an Advisor. New transfer students should register for New Student Orientation (NSO).
During registration periods, the demand to see an Advisor is very high. Because of this, Advisors can be very busy. We recommend students to schedule an appointment 3-5 weeks before your assigned registration date. Students can view their assigned registration time on MyCSUDH.
Fillable forms can be found on the Registrar's Office website. Please visit the CBAPP Student Support & Services website to submit your forms online for processing or if you need signatures or additional assistance.
You can access up-to-date campus information regarding COVID-19 on the Toros Together website.